Decoding Basmati Rice Glycemic Index (GI) vs. Glycemic Load (GL)
Eating rice is considered a grave concern for many. However, the whole thing depends on its glycemic index or GI. The GI of basmati rice varies depending on several factors. These include the rice variety, cooking method, processing, and more. In short, basmati rice has lower glycemic index as compared to other rice varieties.
What is glycemic index?
The glycemic index in food items determines how quickly the sugar level spikes in our body. The glycemic index of basmati rice falls between a range of 50 to 58. This range is considered low on the GI scale. It means that basmati rice doesn’t cause a sudden spike in sugar levels like other rice varieties.
The glycemic index of basmati rice falls between a range of 50 to 58. This range is considered low on the GI scale. It means that basmati rice doesn’t cause a sudden spike in sugar levels like other rice varieties.
What’s the glycemic load of basmati rice?
Basmati rice’s glycemic load is proportionate to its serving size and GI (Glycemic index). It takes in both quality and quantity to determine the sugar spike levels in blood.
The calculation of the glycemic load is done by multiplying the glycemic index by the amount of carbs in a standard serving. After that, it is divided by 100. A glycemic load of 10 is considered low, while 20 or above is deemed higher.
So, the GL = GI x amount of carbohydrates in a standard serving/100
The glycemic load varies according to the cooking method. A standard serving of 100 grams of cooked basmati rice has a glycemic load of about 37.5, which is high.
Adding other ingredients like sugar, oil, or sauce further increases the GL.
What are the nutritional benefits of basmati rice?
Basmati rice is full of nutritional values. You must know the nutritional values before souring it from the suppliers of Indian basmati rice. It is gluten-free and contains fibre, protein, and other nutrients. The fibre content helps it regulate the bowel movement and improve digestion. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals along with niacin, thiamin, folate, iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium. All these essentials boost metabolism, form red blood cells, and maintain bone health.
What’s the potential risk associated with basmati rice?
The potential risk associated with basmati rice consumption is arsenic content. Basmati rice grown in certain areas contain higher arsenic levels. This leads to various health issues, including skin lesions, cancer, and others.
Where to source basmati rice from?
You can source basmati rice from Jashn Foods, one of the famous manufacturers of Indian basmati rice. The functional packaging and authentic quality ensure optimum taste when cooked.
Basmati rice is a staple food for many. The glycemic index and glycemic load are two factors that determine the spike in blood sugar levels. Though basmati rice has a low glycemic index, adding a significant portion to your diet may increase the glycemic load. So, be mindful when eating rice in your diet. Compliment it with other side dishes and foods to reap its benefits.